VC退群夸父炸串背后:为何这家连锁炸串店能成行业霸主? VC退群夸父炸串背后:揭秘炸串行业争夺第一股的消费新势力
来源: 科创板日报 时间:2024-07-02 06:39:24 浏览量:65
财联社7月1日讯(记者 徐赐豪)近日,连锁炸串品牌夸父炸串关联公司厦门万皮思食品科技有限公司(下称“万皮思”)发生工商信息变更,华映资本、绝了基金、愉悦资本、金鼎资本、发现创投、不二资本、元禾原点等外部机构投资者均退出其股东行列。
2018年12月18日,夸父炸串完成发现创投的天使轮融资;2020年5月1日,获道加资本和快道资本的Pre——A轮投资;2021年完成A轮、A 轮以及A 轮融资,背后资本有华映资本、金鼎资本、愉悦资本、元禾原点等机构。
但就在日前,根据天眼查的工商信息,6月21日,广州绝了二期股权投资基金合伙企业(有限合伙)、南京华映中小企业发展基金合伙企业(有限合伙)、上海迈禾餐饮管理有限公司、宁波发现天矢之心创业投资合伙企业(有限合伙)、厦门悦信鸿锐创业投资合伙企业(有限合伙)、北京元禾原点壹号创业投资合伙企业(有限合伙)以及BUER CAPITAL STAR PTE.LTD等基金退出厦门万皮思食品科技有限公司。
根据中国连锁经营协会联合美团在前不久发布的《2024年中国餐饮加盟行业白皮书》显示,餐饮市场小型业态(小吃快餐、饮品、面包甜点) 门店数量占到62%,火锅 烧烤占到13%,二者合计占餐饮市场的75%。这两类餐饮可复制性强,目前的连锁化率为30%左右,如达到50%(目前饮品连锁化率为49%),整个餐饮业的连锁化率将实现翻番。
The Importance of Capital Injection in the Snack Industry
Capital injection into the snack industry has been on the rise lately. This is because consumers are not so price-sensitive when it comes to snacks and have a natural addiction to fried foods, resulting in high repurchase rates. The industry is not crowded and has the potential for massive expansion.
Not only investment firms, but the founder of Kuafu Fried Skewers, Yuan Zelu, has publicly stated that the skewer brand has the "gene for a thousand stores." In his view, this gene comes from the "small store, big chain, full supply chain" model of the skewers. "The addictive nature of skewers and high repurchase rate help with brand chain expansion," said Yu Yihong, founder of the Future Food and Beverage Strategy Planning, in an interview with Caixin. In the past few years, the popularity of skewers has been related to their inherent advantages in branding and chain management.
Yu Yihong further analyzed that from the store model perspective, skewer stores are generally small and have a high degree of standardization in the supply chain, with minimal reliance on labor. Such a category, as long as the chain model is stable, can indeed expand rapidly through the help of capital and develop a scale effect.
In conclusion, the snack industry, particularly the skewer market, is experiencing significant changes in shareholding, financing, and expansion. This is an important sector to keep an eye on in the coming years as it holds potential for substantial growth and development.
Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or any questions about the snack industry and capital injection. Your engagement is highly appreciated! Thank you for reading.